Denmark: Organic open house with style at Rokkedahl Landbrug

Friday 15. April Rokkedahl Landbrug held open house

in their 3 new organic broiler houses, with a capacity of 4,800 chickens in each house. There were many visitors at the event the whole day through.

LANDMECO delivered our pan feeding system and drinking system to the houses, and was proud to participate in this great project.

As the photos shows, Rokkedahl Landbrug has made a big effort to give their future visiting customers the best possible experience of and identification with the welfare of the chickens. Rokkedahl Landbrug has integrated a large impressive showroom in one of the chicken houses, where you can go down to a platform with glass windows that are below the level of the poultry house, so that you can observe the chickens in the house at their eye level. A truly impressive way to gain insight into the chickens' movements.

Rokkedahl Landbrug is a very successful player in the Danish broiler market with a total of 40 houses. 


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La familia Roulleau eligió el sistema Combo de SKIOLDLANDMECO

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