Felleskjøpets exhibition 'Bedre Landbruk' was a big success

This year's 'Bedre Landbruk' exhibition in Lillestrøm was a great success

for LANDMECOs dealer in Norway Felleskjøpet. They had 8,000 visitors during the two days the exhibition lasted, and there was also plenty of interest in LANDMECOs products throughout the weekend from both existing and potential new customers.

Felleskjøpet offered food and drinks through the exhibition, and the visitors were both hungry and thirsty. There were eaten 10,000 sausages, 10,000 buns and 600 kg apples. All this was 'washed down' with 1100 liters of juice and 500 liters of coffee. Bon appetite.

Nowy Dyrektor Zarządzający w SKIOLD LANDMECO

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Polska: SKIOLDLANDMECO na XXIII Międzynarodowych Targach FERMA Świń i Drobiu w Łodzi

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