VIV Europe: Great interest in LANDMECOs products

This year's VIV exhibition was a great success for LANDMECO.

There was great interest in the whole product range, both in broilers and layers.

We discussed many exciting projects at the exhibition, and LANDMECO expect that we can start distributing of our products within 1-2 new countries in the nearest future, based on contacts made ​​at the exhibition. So all in all it was a really exciting exhibition.

However LANDMECO had too little space to display all the products we wanted, so we must change that next time.


Nowy Dyrektor Zarządzający w SKIOLD LANDMECO

i kierownik Działu Drobiu w GRUPIE SKIOLD

Polska: SKIOLDLANDMECO na XXIII Międzynarodowych Targach FERMA Świń i Drobiu w Łodzi

WIETNAM: SKIOLDLANDMECO podczas spotkania z hodowcami kontraktowymi z okazji końca roku w firmie Japfa Comfeed