Back in School

N. Lohmann GmbH has been a LANDMECO agent in Germany for 9 years, but only on the broiler assortment.

Now they have taken the step to be a complete LANDMECO agent by having LANDMECOs full assortment including equipment for layers. N. Lohmann GmbH has allocated personnel to develop their layer business. Rene Lohmann, Meinolf Sasse & Tim Veith visited LANDMECO to have a full day ’back in school’ as they were going through the educational material developed by LANDMECO University. ’We had a great day with a very busy programme. Now, all the information needs to settle a bit, and then the really interesting work starts out with the customers. It will be really exciting to see what the future brings’, says Alex Dybdal, Export Manager.

Nowy Dyrektor Zarządzający w SKIOLD LANDMECO

i kierownik Działu Drobiu w GRUPIE SKIOLD

Polska: SKIOLDLANDMECO na XXIII Międzynarodowych Targach FERMA Świń i Drobiu w Łodzi

WIETNAM: SKIOLDLANDMECO podczas spotkania z hodowcami kontraktowymi z okazji końca roku w firmie Japfa Comfeed