New Zealand: Real Air Solutions is LANDMECOs new partner

Real Air Solutions is a NZ based company

supplying pig and poultry related equipment into the NZ market

Company Directors Graeme Kelly and Dave Mathews have between them significant experience with poultry and pig.

Graeme an electrician and electrical inspector, Dave a former poultry farm owner and industry expert with a long history working with integrators.

Real Air Solutions has been around for many years under Graeme’s guidance, in 2017 the company took a big leap forward with a warehouse facility and other company structure changes.

The growth of business in NZ demanded a change of direction for RAS Ltd. The company is the NZ dealer for SKOV A/S, Hato lighting, and now LANDMECO.

LANDMECO welcomes Real Air Solutions, as our new partner in New Zealand.

Nowy Dyrektor Zarządzający w SKIOLD LANDMECO

i kierownik Działu Drobiu w GRUPIE SKIOLD

Polska: SKIOLDLANDMECO na XXIII Międzynarodowych Targach FERMA Świń i Drobiu w Łodzi

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