Seminar in Moss, Norway

On Wednesday 22 January, Felleskjøpet, LANDMECO, SKOV and Nortura held a seminar in Moss, Norway.

About 20 participants attended the informal professional discussion about equipment for broilers. The atmosphere was great and there were plenty of questions, so the seminar was widely around during the evening, and many exciting projects were discussed. All in all a really great evening.


Nowy Dyrektor Zarządzający w SKIOLD LANDMECO

i kierownik Działu Drobiu w GRUPIE SKIOLD

Polska: SKIOLDLANDMECO na XXIII Międzynarodowych Targach FERMA Świń i Drobiu w Łodzi

WIETNAM: SKIOLDLANDMECO podczas spotkania z hodowcami kontraktowymi z okazji końca roku w firmie Japfa Comfeed