21. October 2015

Inauguration of Denmark’s Largest Broiler House – Capacity: 131,000 Chickens

In mid-October, Denmark’s largest broiler house was inaugurated at Niels Erik & Karen Thomsen’s farm. The house, measuring 150 meters in length and 40 meters in width, is divided in the middle and has an impressive capacity of 131,000 broiler chickens per rotation. LANDMECO installed 9 feeding lines and 10 water lines to optimize the feeding and drinking systems for the large flock.

A few years earlier, the Thomsens built another broiler house with a capacity of 120,000 chickens per rotation, situated right next to the new one. LANDMECO also supplied the feeding and drinking systems for that house.

Together, the two state-of-the-art houses have a combined capacity of 250,000 broilers per rotation, showcasing a truly remarkable and efficient poultry operation.

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