24. March 2024

LANDMECO’s new tier system for rearing with integrated manure belts is now also operating in several locations in Denmark with impressive results.

At the end of August, LANDMECO’s new tier system for rearing with integrated manure belts was fully installed at Jørgen Lodberg’s facility in Denmark.

The house has a capacity for 18,500 animals and is the first system of its kind in Denmark. Here at the beginning of November, the animals are 17 weeks old, and the results are impressive. “The animals are on average 160 grams heavier than usual at 17 weeks, despite the feed consumption being almost the same as usual. It is especially the animals’ legs and wings that are much stronger,” says Jørgen Lodberg. We assume that this is an effect of the system’s many opportunities for free movement. The animals simply move more than in other systems. “The animals are also extremely calm and well-adjusted,” continues a very satisfied Jørgen Lodberg.

Jørgen Lodberg already has LANDMECO’s tier system for rearing without integrated manure belts in 4 other houses, accommodating nearly 70,000 animals. Jørgen Lodberg rears approximately 200,000 organic hens annually. LANDMECO congratulates Jørgen Lodberg on the beautiful house and the impressive results.

At the end of October, Vallø Stift Landbrug also started a batch in LANDMECO’s new tier system for rearing with integrated manure belts in a house with a capacity for 12,000 organic hens. This is part of Vallø Stift Landbrug’s transition to organic egg production. The next house of the same size, which will be a laying house, is already underway and is expected to be completed by mid-February 2014. The system in this house will be LANDMECO’s Combo tier system. LANDMECO congratulates Vallø Stift Landbrug on the project, which will be incredibly exciting to follow.

LANDMECO’s new tier system for rearing with integrated manure belts was first installed at Kanakumppanit Oy in Finland in the spring of 2013, and the feedback has been incredibly positive. The rearing and daily operations are running very well, and the catching process is also easy and quick. This is done in the evening, starting from the top of the system.

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