25. March 2024

Poland: LANDMECO’s first participation in the ‘Pomeranian Poultry Forum’ was a great success.

Monday On June 15th, LANDMECO exhibited for the first time at the ‘Third Pomeranian Poultry Forum’ in Poland.

And it was a great success. Tomasz Wróblewski, LANDMECO’s sales manager in Poland, gave a brief but very insightful presentation during the exhibition’s lecture/seminar on the topic: “Challenges facing the Polish poultry farmer in order to make production more profitable and efficient.”

“After the lecture/seminar, the interest in LANDMECO’s booth increased significantly, and I’ve simply had so many requests for quotes and various new contacts that I now need to follow up on. The interest in LANDMECO is simply overwhelming,” says a happy but also very busy sales manager, Tomasz Wróblewski.

If you have any questions or inquiries for Tomasz Wróblewski, feel free to contact him at +48 609 960 350 or tomasz@landmeco.com.

Click here to watch a short film from the exhibition.

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