Breeders | Broilers

Drinking Systems

Water is one of the most important factors determining the growth and health of broiler chickens. In Scandinavia, there has been an increased focus on litter quality and foot pad control over the last few years. LANDMECO has actively contributed to improving litter quality and solving foot pad problems by choosing nipples which keep litter dry without compromising product quality.

We attached great importance to whether the nipples could provide birds with the water they require, both as day-old chicks and when approaching slaughter weight, without any water spillage.


All nipples can be activated 360° in any direction, giving even small day-old chicks easy access to water during the first critical days after the flock is introduced into the poultry house.

In our experience, litter quality and feed consumption can be significantly improved by choosing the right drinking system.


The pressure regulator features a simple and user-friendly built-in flush system which, with a single function, allows the water line to be flushed at high pressure. In addition, the low number of components improves the operational reliability.

The pressure regulator effectively controls pressure in the water line independently of water consumption by the birds.

The regulator, and thus the water supply, can be connected at the end of the water line or in its centre depending on line length.

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