24. March 2024

Probably the best & most beautiful placed chicken house in the world

Felleskjøpet, LANDMECO’s distributor in Norway, has just hosted an open house in what might be the world’s most beautifully placed chicken house.

Ole Martin Hårstad’s new chicken house is situated in the finest unspoiled nature, thoughtfully constructed with fine dark wood to blend seamlessly with the surroundings.

Ole Martin Hårstad has been in chicken production since 1989, and in 2009, the equipment was upgraded to LANDMECO. In the spring of 2014, Ole Martin Hårstad decided to stop production in the older, smaller chicken house and instead build a new, impressive chicken house measuring 20×60 meters. Ole Martin Hårstad supplies to Nortura.

Felleskjøpet/LANDMECO has supplied the feeding, drinking, and heating systems for the house. LANDMECO extends a big congratulations on the beautiful house.

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