24. March 2024

South Africa, Sovereign Foods test: FCR & PEF numbers are still significantly better in the house with LANDMECO’s feed pans.

In February 2013, LANDMECO entered into a collaboration with Sovereign Foods, the fourth largest chicken producer in South Africa.

At the Wincanton farm, where 12 identical houses were built at the same time, we replaced a competitor’s newer equipment with LANDMECO’s equipment in one of the houses to test the effectiveness of LANDMECO’s pan. On the farm, everything is identical; management, chickens, feed, etc. The only difference is the feeding system. In June 2013, we had data from the first two batches, and they were absolutely fantastic. The FCR in the house with LANDMECO’s feeder was 1.556, whereas the house with a competitor’s feeder had an FCR of 1.641.

After 2 years of operating the feeder system, we followed up on the test to ensure that the positive results with LANDMECO’s feeder remained consistent. And of course, they did.

The average FCR over the last 5 batches stands at 1.596 with LANDMECO’s pan, compared to 1.672 in the remaining 11 houses with a competing European pan. At the same time, the PEF (Production Efficiency Factor) is significantly higher in the house with LANDMECO’s pan (323 compared to 301).

There is no doubt about it. LANDMECO’s pan feeding system delivers better results.

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