24. March 2024

Sovereign Foods’ Test Shows LANDMECO’s Pan Feeding System Achieves Impressive FCR of 1.556

At EuroTier 2012 in Hanover, LANDMECO and South African poultry integrator Sovereign Foods embarked on a groundbreaking partnership. Ettienne Du Preez, Group Director of Agriculture at Sovereign Foods, discovered LANDMECO’s innovative pan feeding system at the event. After several meetings and product demonstrations, the decision was made to test LANDMECO’s system against Sovereign’s existing setup in a controlled trial.

Key Findings from the LANDMECO Test:

  • Exceptional Feed Conversion Rate (FCR): LANDMECO’s pan feeding system achieved an impressive FCR of 1.556, showcasing superior efficiency.
  • Consistent Results: Two identical chicken houses (150×12 meters) were used for the test. Both houses had identical conditions except for the pan feeding system. The results showed that LANDMECO’s system delivered higher final weights, improved average daily growth, and a lower FCR compared to the existing system.
  • Reduced Labor and Maintenance: LANDMECO’s system automates feed distribution, eliminating the need to manually carry approximately 1.8 tons of feed per house at the start of each batch. This automation significantly reduces labor, especially in operations with multiple houses. Additionally, the system’s easy-clean feature simplifies and speeds up the cleaning process.

LANDMECO’s Hands-On Approach:

In February, LANDMECO’s Director, Karsten Andersen, traveled to South Africa to personally oversee the installation and startup of the equipment. This hands-on involvement ensured that the system was implemented correctly and that the first batch of chickens was managed effectively.

Sovereign Foods’ Positive Feedback:

Sovereign Foods reported high satisfaction with LANDMECO’s pan feeding system, noting its efficiency, reduced manual labor, and ease of cleaning. The system’s performance has confirmed its value as a more effective and profitable solution for poultry feeding.

Explore how LANDMECO’s advanced poultry solutions can enhance your operations. Contact us today to learn more.

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